The 16th open Championship on traditional Wushu Cup «Golden Turtle»
February 28, 2016 in the sports hall of the High school №19 was held the 16th open Championship on traditional Wushu Cup "Golden Turtle". The competition was attended by teams from Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad. The total number of participants – 60 people.
The program of competitions contains: 1-st part – demonstration of techniques of different schools and styles of martial arts (single and group performances, weapons training, stage combat) in the form of a dramatized programme; 2-nd part – the demonstration of Shaolin's taolu without arms; 3-rd part – the demonstration of Shaolin's taolu with weapons.
The youngest participants were only 6 years old. During the demonstration program were demonstrated such weapons as a Dao sword, a stick and martial applications.
For the will to win was awarded to: - Astashin Maxim (7 years), Lisitsyn Nikita (7 years), Guryanov Dima
Taolu Xiao Hong Quan -
A group of up to 9 years:
1st place - Demakova Sveta
1st place - Mamedov Azat
- Group of 10-12 years:
1st place - Lena Sutyagina
1st place - Ilya Grishkin
- A group of 13 and older:
1st place - Mulin Denis 1st place - Yakimova Anastasia
Taolu Yin Shou Gun / Shaolin Dan Dao
- Group up to 11 years:
1st place - Mamedov Azat
- Group of 10-12 years:
1st place - Lena Sutyagina
- A group of 13 and older:
1st place - Mulin Denis
1st place - Gaivoronskaya Sveta
Absolute winners of competitions in the double-event began Sutyagina Elena, Mamedov Azat and Mulin Denis. The winners were awarded with diplomas and medals.
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