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Traineeship of national team of the Ulyanovsk region in the Shaolin monastery in May 13-23, 2011

Since May 13, 2011 to May 23, 2011 the national team of the Ulyanovsk region the sport and traditional martial arts, had studied at the Academy of the Shaolin temple, under the training of Shaolin Wushu. The training was led by Shaolin monks and instructors of Academy.

During training were taught the following disciplines: Shaolin wushu, qigong breathing exercises. After the training, representatives of the Ulyanovsk federation passed tests and received certificates of completion.

During the internship involved had the opportunity to meet and communicate with the master Shi De Yang. In the group photo with Master Shi De Yang, members of the team of the Ulyanovsk region are holding a photo of the Great Master and Teacher - Su Xi.

Shi De Yang in collaboration with his followers defined the future of the federation, a training program, are becoming of the federation as part of the international community Shaolin Wushu and Shaolin brotherhood.

In their free time Ulyanovsk federation representatives had visited several sights of Beijing, Zhengzhou, and Dengfeng.

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