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The 10th Zhengzhou China International Shaolin Wushu Festival (Championship)

Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)
From 18 to 22 October 2014 the team of the Ulyanovsk region in the Russian team by the traditional Wushu attended the 10th World Championship Shaolin Wushu Festival in Zhengzhou (China). This championship was attended by athletes from more than 60 countries from all continents in all age groups without restrictions. Athletes were in formal complexes with weapons (sword Tao, sword Jiang, chain, stick, and spear) and without arms, breathing exercises - qigong and taijiquan.
Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)
According to the results, team of the Ulyanovsk region after performances on the 10 Championship traditional Wushu won 53 medals: gold - 11 medals, silver - 11 medals, bronze - 31 medals. Team of the Ulyanovsk Region: Mickhaylichenko Anatoly (Dimitrovgrad): 1 gold and 4 bronze medals, Potapov Ivan Andreyevich (Dimitrovgrad): 2 gold and 5 bronze medals, Evstigneeva Anna Nikolaevna (Ulyanovsk): 3 gold and 2 silver medals, Christina Zaychatnikova Igorevna (Dimitrovgrad): 7 bronze medals, Erysheva Valeria (Dimitrovgrad): 2 silver and 4 bronze medals, Setnerova Natalia (Dimitrovgrad): 2 silver and 4 bronze medals, Andrey Potapov (Dimitrovgrad): 1 gold medal, Magasumov Nikita (Ulyanovsk) 2 silver and 2 gold medals, Gimatdinov Radik Rustamovich (Dimitrovgrad): 2 gold and 1 bronze medals, Trofimova Elena (Dimitrovgrad): 1 bronze medal, Sabirov Ilshat Nurgazimovich (Dimitrovgrad): 2 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals, Tatiana Ovchinnikova (Moscow): 1 bronze medal.
Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)
It should be noted that the national team of the Ulyanovsk region was first performed at the such a significant event. Were represented virtually all age groups and almost all programs shaolinquan and qigong. Participation of 10th Championship Shaolin Wushu, team of the Ulyanovsk Region summed up the three-year internship in one of the best school in the Shaolin Monastery. Above the result of the each member of the team, has worked a team of a masters, who have made an invaluable contribution to the development team, in her victory, her athletic success.
Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)
Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)
Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)
Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)
Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)
Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)
Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)
Десятый Международный Чемпионат-Фестиваль Шаолиньского ушу (г. Чжэнчжоу)

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