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Russian-Chinese student forum, Ulyanovsk, 2015

Российско-китайский студенческий форум, Ульяновск, 2015
06/07/2015 in Ulyanovsk took place at the Palace of Pioneers of the Russian-Chinese student forum in the framework of the activities of student associations in 2015 by the Russian Union of Youth, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science, the regional Government and Ulyanovsk State University. Ulyanovsk regional public organization "Federation of Sport and Traditional Wushu of the Ulyanovsk region" took part in the opening ceremony, demonstrating the performance of complex Taolu. The boys showed their skills. After the speech, the boys room was enthusiastic, the Chinese delegation was surrounded by children with a view to take pictures and exchange contacts, it organized a photo session with the Chinese delegation.
After the speech, the boys were invited to the seminar "Achievements of Russian-Chinese cooperation in the fields of research and innovation" with the Deputy Director of the School of Chinese Kung Fu, Wushu, the Laydzhou Shandong Province, Deputy Director of "Media Kung Fu Master" Shandong Province - Zang Hua. After the seminar, all participants received a gift, which included: notebook, pen and T-shirts online, as well as letters.
Российско-китайский студенческий форум, Ульяновск, 2015
Российско-китайский студенческий форум, Ульяновск, 2015
Российско-китайский студенческий форум, Ульяновск, 2015

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