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3-th Open Championship of Ulyanovsk Region And Master Shi Xing Jun's Seminar

In the period from 17 to 19 September 2010 in the city of Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad in the Championship of the Ulyanovsk region, under the leadership of Master Shi Xing Jun was a master class on basic techniques and Shaolinquan seminar devoted to the study of the taolu with a short stick.
Upon completion of the master class in Ulyanovsk, Shi Xing Jun attended a gala dinner in a restaurant in eastern kitchens, where in the guest book he left his wishes. Upon completion of the seminar in Dimitrovgrad, Shi Xing Jun took part in a traditional tea party. Where in the friendly atmosphere for him was handed a book about the city of Dimitrovgrad.

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